Best Practices to Build Your Law Firm’s Team

With the increased demand for the legal services, it would appear that most of the local attorneys online want more attorneys in their firm. Knowing how to build a successful team of lawyers in a law firm is not only a question of talent but also one of knowledge and planning, combined with good leadership skills.

Key Position Identification

That also means being clear on what kind of role you need, and when, in order to grow your law firm team. Second, consider your current practice areas plus your growth strategy-what are the key positions you need to add, or replace? There’s a pretty good likelihood that something you’re doing-or a team member is doing-can be delegated to free up your time for the more critical tasks.
Identify the Competencies and Qualifications Needed

This is also a great time to reflect on your firm’s core values: what characteristics would you like this addition to your team to have? Whom does it click well with you and your already existing team? What are the needed skills, and which can be trained?
Writing a job profile for job applicants requires stepping back and being objective about the qualifications one is seeking. Is there a place where your bias could unconsciously appear in the job description? Additionally, only list the skills that are required for the job; do not list a skill as required if it is not-just because it is “nice-to-have”.

Value Alignment Sometimes, it’s easy to take those values for granted. They’re yours alone, and they make your firm different-they define your working style. Nobody else may be approaching work the same way as you do, so it is very important to choose a person who will thrive in your environment. You’ll want to be sure that by hiring attorneys with similar values, they will fit into your firm’s culture and be a good team player. You will also want to know whether the candidate has outstanding communications skills, pays attention to detail, and is able to perform well in an often-pressure situation.

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